AlcoScreen (box of 24)

  • Model: ALCO-01BX24

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box of 24 single use saliva alcohol tests

#ALCO - Alco Screen


The Chematics ALCO-ScreenTM saliva alcohol test is intended for use as a rapid, highly sensitive method to detect the presence of alcohol in saliva and to provide a semi-quantitative approximation of blood alcohol concentration. For applications where a quantitative determination of blood alcohol concentration is required, a positive ALCO-SCREENTM result must be varified using an acceptable quantitative alcohol procedure. ALCO-SCREENTM requires no special training provided that instructions are followed carefully. However, quantitative followup testing should be preformed by a qualified professional.

ALCO-SCREENTM may also be use to non-quantitatively detect the presence of alcohol in many other fluids, such as soft drinks, blood serum, etc. For more detailed information, see our FAQ section.

NOTE: this test product does not include the sputum cup required by the FDA.

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 23 January, 2012.

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